Review Of The Nobel Samurai Keyword Research Tool

Review Of The Nobel Samurai Keyword Research Tool

If you’re struggling with researching the right keywords to use for your website or blog articles, then maybe perhaps this piece of software can help solve your online SEO problems and send search engine traffic your way.

What Is Nobel Samurai?

This is keyword research software that will enable you to target profitable Niches on the internet with extreme accuracy. You can discover laser-targeted high amounts of traffic, generate high profits from your online business and uncover low competition keywords as well as markets.

You are taught about the “4 Golden Rules” of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and what you should do to avoid breaking any of the fundamental rules as a blogger and web-based business owner.

Pros VS. Cons Of The Software


  • FREE trial
  • Help and Support are available
  • Video tutorial training provided through the “Samurai DOJO”
  • Other Keyword features are included
  • There’s a “Noble Samurai” blog to learn more knowledge from
  • 30day money-back Guarantee
  • No hidden fees or subscriptions


  • You must download the software onto your computer
  • Several different searches are required for one simple task
  • Doesn’t display data from all the major search engines
  • Slow at fetching keyword data
  • Far too many confusing metrics to understand (if you haven’t watched the tutorial videos first)
  • Too many videos to work your way through
  • Too much information for a “Beginner” to absorb

Who Is Market Samurai For?

Whether you’re a traditional website owner, a blogger wanting to implement SEO, someone who wants to buy and sell Domain Names, somebody who writes online content for others or if you’re searching for keyword ideas for local marketing firms, and to use for PPC (Pay Per Click) AD marketing campaigns, this software tool can help you!

What Training & Tools Do You Have Access To?


In total, there are 40 tutorial videos within the DOJO that walk you through the entire process of conducting keyword research, using the keyword software, as well as the extra features that are built into it.

These videos cover a range of topics:

  • Installation
  • Keyword Research
  • SEO Competition
  • Domains
  • Monetization
  • Find Content
  • Publish Content
  • Promotion
  • Rank Tracker
  • Troubleshooting

Read Also:  SEO Dresden


There’s a range of different tools for you to use. However, 1 0r 2 of the tools I don’t agree with because they can potentially pose a threat to your online business and kill off your chances of making money online and any success!

Keyword Research Itself – Search for “long-tail”, low competition, high quality, and good traffic keywords.

Domains -Find Awesome quality keywords you can create Domain Names from, and even use these tools as an opportunity for you to build an online business by buying and selling domain names too.

Rank Tracker – This will monitor your site’s progress for all of your keywords in the Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines.

SEO Competition – Obtain quick ranking positions in the search engines through targeting weak markets.

Find Content – Fill your website very quickly with republished articles or by researching other content on the internet.


The Republishing of articles on your blog is an “outdated” method that no longer sticks with the search engines. Google will penalize you for publishing “Duplicate Content”, and you will NOT receive any page 1 rankings, so be warned!

Today, the Find Content tool is an ineffective SEO strategy!

Promotion – Uncover golden opportunities to build links and use link-building strategies.


Building “Backlinks” is also another technique that search engines no longer consider to be an important strategy. Again, Google will punish your blog, and backlinks will cause you to lose rankings, traffic, and money.

However, it’s still acceptable to build “natural backlinks” from sharing your content on social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest.

Publish Content – Tag, schedule, and publish online content on your website.

Monetization – Seek out the most profitable Affiliate Program offers and quickly write Ad copy.

What Help & Support Do You Receive?

You have various options available when it comes to help & support because you can either use the Knowledgebase, watch Video Tutorials or Submit a Ticket.

Additionally, you can use the FAQs section, visit the blog and also connect with Samurai on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

How Much Money Does The Software Cost?

You have various membership options available:

FREE Membership – “White Belt”

You will receive a 12-day trial membership access to the keyword tool software and the features.

Full Version At $149 – “Black Belt”

However, if you upgrade your plan within 7 days of signing up for the free trial, you can buy the full version of Market Samurai for $97 (with a discount of $52), which includes the whole package.

My Own Closing Thoughts

The Market Samurai keyword research software does come across as LEGIT, however, the cons are a little off-putting and it doesn’t seem all that “beginner user friendly” to me, which is mainly down to a lot of videos to watch and numerous metrics to take into account, that can make the process of finding keywords and performing other related tasks a little complicated.

Here’s a quick search I conducted (checking all of the metric results options), using the keyword phrase term “make money online“, and you can see how complex the figures appear. There are many “unnecessary” Metrics that you will not have a single clue about until you watch the corresponding videos beforehand.

In my opinion, Market Samurai isn’t even a patch on the Free keyword tool I use here (created by the co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate) because it’s perfect for beginners, it’s web-based, it’s 100% accurate, it’s quick at pulling up a keyword, traffic and competition data from ALL the search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing), it’s so simple to understand without the need for video tutorials (although video training is provided if you need it),

AND there are ONLY 4 simple Metrics you really need to know in order to qualify for those page 1 ranking search positions. If you have any questions you would like to ask, or if you have had any positive or negative experiences with the Market Samurai software, please leave me your thoughts below as I would love to hear them.


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