You’ll notice that in places in this book I’ve included notes regarding other nutritional components of some of the recipes. Most notably, I’ve included the calorie count if it seems quite low and the calcium or potassium count if it seems quite high. The reason for this is simple: Many people are trying to watch their calories as well as their carbs, and calling their attention to those dishes in this book that are particularly low in calories seemed helpful. Likewise, my email tells me that the two nutrients low-carbs are most concerned they’re not getting are calcium and potassium. So letting you know when a recipe is a good source of these nutrients also seemed helpful. All of the recipes do, of course, include the carbohydrate, fiber, usable carbs, and protein counts.
On the Importance of Reading Labels
Do yourself a favor and get in the habit of reading the label on every food product, and I do mean every food product, that has one. I have learned from long, hard, repetitive experiences that food processors can, will, and do put sugar, corn syrup, corn starch, and other nutritionally empty, carb-filled garbage into every conceivable food product. You will shave untold thousands of grams of carbohydrates off your intake over the course of a year by simply looking for a product that has no added junk.
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Appliances for 15-Minute Meals
There are a few kitchen appliances that you’ll use over and over to make the recipes in this book. They’re all quite common, and I feel safe in assuming that the majority of you have most, if not all, of these appliances. A microwave oven. Surely everybody is clear by now on how quickly these both thaw and cook all sorts of things.
We’ll use your microwave over and over again to cook one part of a dish while another part is on the stove—to heat a broth, steam a vegetable, or cook the bacon that we’re going to use as a topping. It is assumed in these recipes that you have a microwave oven with a turntable; most of them have been made this way for quite a while now. If your microwave doesn’t have a turntable, you’ll have to interrupt whatever else you’re doing and turn your food a few times during its microwaving time to avoid uneven cooking
Convenience Foods
In this book, I have made more liberal use of convenience foods than I normally do. As to the availability of these ingredients, I figured if I could get it in Bloomington, Indiana—a southern Indiana town of 65,000 people—it would be available to a majority of my readers, at least in the United States