The practical part of the coursework

The main feature of the practical part is independent work on obtaining new scientific information. After completing this stage, you can safely call yourself a novice researcher.

The following methods can be used to carry out research work: experimental, logical analysis, formalization, abstraction, modeling, logical synthesis, survey, observation, etc. If you use only one of these methods, the result will not be accurate, you need to go in several directions. The most important thing is to get confirmation of the hypothesis. In addition to methods, the study requires knowledge. If you study at the Faculty of Humanities, you should have been taught the correct construction of thought experiments, logic, abstraction, and more. If you are a programmer, you must be able to build mathematical models and programs, if you are a chemist – to put experiments, observe reactions and draw the right conclusions. The sociologist needs knowledge in the field of survey, analysis, and ascent from the abstract to the concrete. And to the student-mechanic and the technologist – knowledge for designing various devices, mechanisms, and details.

After completing the study and obtaining the necessary information, you need to check the results for novelty, objectivity, completeness, and reliability.

Information has novelty if:

  1. it is a fact or concept unknown to anyone;
  2. new methods and research methods have been developed;
  3. old knowledge was revised using a new methodology and from a different position;
  4. previously known materials have been comprehensively studied and summarized;
  5. new patterns were discovered.

Information is considered reliable if:

  1. research has been done using real facts, not assumptions or hypotheses;
  2. all generalizations and conclusions can be checked;
  3. it is possible to reproduce research actions;
  4. scientific data were not falsified.

All data obtained during the study are complete if they cover all aspects of the research problem.

If the information you receive meets at least two of these characteristics, that’s fine, because you’re writing a term paper, not a dissertation. The main thing is that the level of compliance was high.

When checking and evaluating data, try not to take what you want for granted. Because during the defense of the work, in any case, the real picture will emerge. The worst thing is that such a mistake will have a bad effect on your reputation, and therefore on future research papers that you will need to write.

The last step is, to sum up, which does not take much time. At this stage, the main thing is your ability to think soberly and take personal actions critically.

Formulation of conclusions

Regardless of the complexity of the studied problem, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions about the results of the work performed:

  1. The conclusion on the essence of the problem is the result of the main researched question.
  2. Conclusions of side issues that helped you reach the final results. For example, by describing the process of building a wall, you make small explanations about the use of each building material, that is, why you need bricks, sand, etc.
  3. Conclusions on the issue of practical significance and use of the obtained results – these conclusions indicate the suitability of your research in real life, and that your work was not done in vain. If we take the example of building walls using new technology, then the conclusions should indicate the benefits of this technology. There should be several such items, this will increase the quality of the study.
  4. Conclusions on the prospects of the study. In this case, you need to write about which direction you need to go next to improve the result. But you do not need to bend the stick. Having made some special bicycle, do not write that, the application of some mechanisms will force it to fly. At this stage, you need to be guided by reason and common sense. If you do not see the future, then your professionalism and independence of work will be questioned.

Comparison of conclusions with the hypothesis

Before you start writing a course, you have chosen a topic with professional writing services for which you had to choose the best way to study it. After completing a practical independent task, you have formulated conclusions that reflect the essence of the study. The question is whether the results correspond to the hypothesis? There are only two answers: yes or no. If you have succeeded, then all you have to do is rejoice and move on to the next stage of work. But what to do when compliance is questionable? You can fit the conclusions under the hypothesis or the hypothesis under the conclusions. In such a critical situation, you need to use the second option, it is more competent. A hypothesis that contradicts the conclusions must be changed to one that has the opposite meaning.

For example, if in the previous hypothesis it was said that with the help of certain building materials you can create an extremely strong wall, then in the opposite case, you must specify that the use of these materials will not help build strong walls.

In case of complete inconsistency of the hypothesis and conclusions, there are two possible ways out of the critical situation: find the problem whose hypothesis will correspond to the conclusions of your study; from the previous list of hypotheses choose the one that best suits the results obtained. Although the second option is more complex, its use will be more appropriate.

Thus, the implementation of the practical part of the course work – is proof that you have an idea of ​​how you can use the acquired knowledge. Self-confidence, maximum concentration on the process, accurate actions, correct analysis, and correct conclusions will help to get the best results.

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