To get your small business recognized and respected, you need to start creating a brand. When you have a brand, you will find that you begin to positively build a reputation. A brand that will keep customers coming back time and time again is what you are aiming to build. Be under no illusion, though, because building a brand will take time and persistence, but to get the wheels turning, what action can you start taking right now?
Thinking of a Purpose
Your brand is going to need a purpose, just like your business has a purpose – but what is it? You will not be able to create a brand identity without knowing what your business wants to achieve. To establish what your business and brand purpose is, look at what your business does. What does it provide for customers, and what does it give them that is beneficial to their life? When your brand and business have a purpose, you then have something to build upon.
Introduce a Colour Scheme
Big high-street brands are consistent, and that means that customers know what to expect when they visit or use a business. Within this consistency, they will all have a colour scheme that they follow. This colour scheme will feature everywhere, from their website right through to store frontage. As you are working on building a brand, you must have a colour scheme. The colour scheme will help your business and brand get noticed, so think carefully about what combination you want to use. When you are choosing the right business colour scheme, always focus on what colours mean to customers. Try and avoid garish colour schemes, as these can put customers off. Also, try to avoid bland and neutral colour schemes as these may be attributed to other businesses/industries.
Putting Your Customers at the Heart of Your Brand
To build your brand and get it noticed, you are going to have to ensure that customers are front and centre at all times. If customers are not at the heart of your brand or at the centre of your business, they will go elsewhere. To ensure you are putting your customers first, you need to reach out to them. See how they work, and see what their expectations are. When you can resonate with your customers, you can then be sure that you fulfil their needs and requirements at all times.
The Voice of Your Company or Brand
The tone and voice that you use for your brand are going to be known and instantly recognisable. So, what tone are you going to choose? Are you going to go down the friendly and approachable route? Are you going to be youthful? Or are you going to go down the well-informed, clear yet informative route? What tone or voice will your customers find appealing and beneficial, and what is going to get them to trust your business and put their faith in your brand?