Pets are not just animals. They are our companions and deserve to be honored in a way that is appropriate to them and their owners.
The passing of a pet is an emotional time for anyone who has ever cared for one. To make it easier on yourself, we’ve put together some ideas to honor your beloved animal companion at their passing.
Pet Memorial Service
You can invite your friends and relatives to do a memorial service for your pet. It may sound weird, but it’s a widespread practice. Many people who have lost their pets have done this before.
The purpose of doing this is to allow people who care about the deceased animal to come together in one place and share stories, memories, and feelings about their beloved animal.
Personalized Pet Portrait
Get You Personalized Pet Portraits Here
A personalized pet portrait from Memorialize Art is a great way to display memories of your beloved animal in a way that’s not just tacky but also meaningful and beautiful. You can use photos or drawings to capture their personality and create an image that you can display in any room of your home or office.
Commission a Headstone
Headstones are a great way to mark the spot where your pet has been laid to rest and for people who pass by their gravesite to remember them.
There are different styles of headstones that you can have inscribed with whatever words mean most to you and your family members. It can be funny or witty or something more serious and heartfelt.
Spend Time in a Shelter
Spending time at a local animal shelter is a coping mechanism many find helpful after losing a pet. It can help you recover from the loss of your pet by introducing you to other animals in need of care.
Memorial Jewelry
Whether you’re feeling nostalgic or just want to have a keepsake of your friend with you wherever you go, memorial jewelry can be a fantastic way to remember your beloved pet.
You might even find it therapeutic—wearing it as often as possible will help you feel connected to that special friend who has passed on.
Commission an Urn
Commissioning an urn to honor your pets’ passing is the best way to remember them. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. The urn you choose should reflect your pet’s personality and your relationship with them.
Pet Tattoo
Having a tattoo of your pet is a great way to honor them. It will remind you of them every day, and you won’t forget anywhere you may go. Getting a pet tattoo is a physical manifestation of how important they are to you and how they have impacted your life.
Pet Photo Album
When you’re mourning the loss of an animal companion, it can be helpful to have visual reminders of what they looked like when they were young and healthy.
If you have some photos of your pet from earlier in their life, compiling them into an album will allow you to create a complete picture of how much they’ve grown over time.
Feed Stray Dogs
Feeding stray dogs is a great way to honor your pet’s memory. The care and affection you showed them when they were alive will be appreciated by the other animals you helped.
Donate to a Charity
When you’ve lost a pet, it’s natural to want to do something to honor their memory. The best way to do that is often by donating food, toys, and medicine to a shelter—so they can help another pet live a happy life. If you don’t have time to spend here yourself, this is an excellent way to ensure your pet’s legacy will continue.
Make a Memorial Garden
A memorial garden is a fantastic way to honor your departed pet’s memory. It represents life in its basic form. Plant a seed that grows into something beautiful and meaningful. This will remind you that even though your loved one is gone, they will always live on through your memories and the new life that springs up from their remains.
Display Their Collar
One meaningful way to honor your pet’s passing is to display their collar or tags in your room. It is a way of keeping a memory alive and reminding yourself that they are still with you in spirit.
Personalized Mug
A sweet and fantastic way to remember your pet is to print a photo of them on your favorite mug. You’ll see it every morning when you take a sip of coffee and remember the memories you shared.
Customized Pet Pillow
Customized pillows are a great way to remember your beloved pets and help you sleep better at night. The comfort and warmth of the pillow will help you drift off into peaceful sleep, allowing you to deal with the loss in the best way possible.
Spread Ashes at Your Favorite Spot
Spreading your pet’s ashes at your favorite place is the perfect way to honor their memory and remind you of them every time you visit that spot. It also allows you to share the memory with other members of your family and friends who will visit the same place.
Art is one good source of personalized items to honor your pet’s passing. Memorialize Art will help you create a long-lasting memorial that will comfort you and your family in the coming years.